FOR PAINTING ON GLASS... a Thick sheet of glass,,,,
The ideal thickness and size for the glass that you need, ensuring that your glass matches its exact purpose.
Common glass thickness includes:
- 3/32″ thickness (2.4 mm) – used in picture frames, small insulated glass units, not temperable.
- 1/8″ thickness (3.2 mm) – small cabinet door panels, insulated units, picture frames and small table tops.
- 3/16″ thickness (4.8 mm) – larger cabinet door panels, single pane window, small mirrors.
- 1/4″ thickness (6.4 mm) – all general glass applications, such as table tops (as protective cover), insulated units, interior & exterior door lites, shelves, framed shower doors.
- 3/8″ thickness (9.5 mm) – framed & frameless shower doors and enclosures, shelves, table tops, glass walls and partitions.
- 1/2″ thickness (12.7 mm) – larger shower doors and enclosures, larger shelves, larger table tops, countertops, glass walls and partitions, hand railings.
- 3/4″ thickness (19.1 mm) – very large table tops, very large shelves, larger countertops, mall fronts, glass floors.
- 1″ thickness (25.4 mm) – glass flooring, stair treads, tables, glass furniture.